Orangewood Foundation

Our Goal

The Orangewood Foundation provides many services to foster youth within Orange County. They are one of the leading providers of health and wellness services, education, housing, and employment to almost 2,000 youth annually preparing them for independent adulthood. Our goal for this month is that a portion of our quarter two sales will go towards The Orangewood Foundation’s effort to help improve physical, emotional, and relational health which are often necessary first steps on the road to self-efficiency.

Click the donation click below to contribute to The Orangewood Foundation today.

On behalf of the Par West family, we appreciate your support!

Orangewood Foundation

The “Orangewood Way” recognizes that relationships with our youth involve collaboration and partnership. Their staff works one-on-one with youth to help them identify their strengths, attributes, and aptitudes to empower them to overcome challenges and reach their greatest potential. Their staff works with youth in four critical areas: health & wellness, housing, life skills & employment, and education. We meet a broad array of needs: from groceries and a hot meal to transitional housing, life skills workshops and employment leads, our innovative Samueli Academy public charter school, and scholarships for college and graduate school.

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